St Christopher Homes is a service provider offering 24 hours supported living for young people age 16 to 25 who may display challenging/anti-social behavior, or living independently from overseas (Refugees)

Our provisions are well served by local shops and amenities and are within easy access to colleges, leisure facilities and other community resources and provide spacious supported accommodation for up to 4 young people.

The service was developed from an identified need for supported accommodation for young people leaving care or foster services. The transition from residential care or foster care can prove to be a complex one; in line with ‘best fit’, ST CHRISTOPHER HOMES provides for young people who may not be able to live independently, but who may benefit from a 24hour supported living programme for young people working towards independence. Our service can be seen to fill the ‘gap’ between residential and independent living.

Often young people when moving on from residential care did not ‘fit’ the completely independent model, Local Authorities were very keen to consider other options if they were available and particularly within the local area. As an organisation we feel we have developed an excellent facility run to a high standard, but to a more flexible non-institutional model.

The Unit has excellent facilities for young people in terms of space and local facilities. They have ample living accommodation, including spacious bedrooms, staff rooms/ office, large kitchen/dining room, recreation room, living room and private gardens. The exciting part of ST CHRISTOPHER HOMES is that service users at the unit can live as independently as they are able but with access to 24hour support should they need it. The unit can also develop need based programmes of support for service users working towards goal orientated